Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Love and hate are the horns of a goat, love him or hate him for the good times, bagging shit because of a lack of running water on a RV.

 Still in the mother land making friends and meeting fans. I LOVE IT HERE!!!! THANK YOU fox_africa  ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ History Across The Lines, Rainbow Racers Heads Up,Cheers And Chaps, Winners,  Losers, Learners, Birds And Bees, Songs To Sing, Glory Dazes To Come. Angels In The Clouds. God  Ties.๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘ปClans Together Tribe Members Notes.

Donkey dates, family members, dead and gone, back as jackasses in the valleys and hills. Nice. Cheers, chaps, songs to sing, dances daily, love, lights, luck, lessons, nuts to fall, nuts to stand, roots of the world, views and noses, dances on the water. Hits and misses, cartoon hits, walks to fame, walks in the dark. Lessons to learn, how to stand tall, ways to go, donkey dates, frogs to kiss, lights to shine, Dallas Starr Meyer, Starr Bright, Stars to the moon, lights on the mountain tops. Birds and bees, singing songs in the dogwood trees, God is love.

Dances on cloud nine, babes, chicks, dames, bitches with 5 stars. Role models to share, veterans, sisters of color, Marines for life. Frogs and snakes, goats and sheep, two faces in the mirror, faces of animals, under the skin, views and noses, you have one, so do I. Games to play, lovers and haters, goats and sheep, fairy tales, fair show, horse and pony act. Frogs, cows and buffalo are the nature of the tribe of animals that we can all relate to, and if not have a few more things to share about the state. Frogs are a dime a dozen and you can get more on Sundays, and it is part of our world as well, just look at the military. Yes, the military has a branch of service named after frogs also. 

Meghan Trainor - Lips Are Movin....Struggle is not the only way.GABRIELA HANSON..The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. ..Love and light, pink and purple, colors of hope and love, hands in the air, thanks for another day. The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil.Uncle Sam, thanks so much, G. I. Jose, military past and present. Round Worlds:Pigs, Hogs, Pies, Daily Treats, Glory Dazes Done | Veterans.The other rabbit takes the #Oscars stage with "Lose Yourself"

 Calm seas, and clear blue skies, and living in the moment.Marcella Hillard. Home Life Housekeeping: Frogs, Sinners And Snakes, Dinner Treats.Plenty of Fish in the Sea. Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.Unreal - left wing operatives warn (aka threaten) the media "we will be watching you" regarding their coverage of  @KamalaHarris  h/t  @HeyTammyBruce   - Democratic Party sets rules for criticizing Biden's VP pick Kamala Harris.

Moments Lost In Time. Minutes To Mountains. Hits and misses, joys and pains, golden rules, winners,losers, learners,sinners, saints, roles to play, over the decades, counting heads, again. Mad Hatter is a state of mind that I enjoy, as well as, living blue.

The world is full of lunatics. Lyon Sacks of Shit: Pssstt!!! rachellyn1010 face time.Cows On The LinesThank you Lord for a new day and for the daily miracles. Please come into our lives and guide us on the right path. I don't believe this money is intended for indigenous children.Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rainbow Racers, To fail to learn, define fail-first attempts in learning, new things, new ways to get back up, practice never to fail.

Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rainbow Racers, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Frogs, Spiders, Snakes In Grass, Charms Of Rats: Disneyland Mice, Silent Knights, Nazi Camps, Cattle Runs. 900 Heads A Hour. Cash Cows Runs. NEW YORK CITY,,Dreams To Grow, Nuts And Rotten Apples.
  •  Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! 

    • LIFE QUOTES:Fools, Freaks, Snakes, Worms, Spiders And Fakes, Actors To Parts, Horses To Races.Turning pages. Stand back up.Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:

      Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please. Steven Jay Jarrot : Owner/Consultant; lovemygems@yahoo.com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION.760 851 2267:Donald Trump abruptly made a bizarre reversal of policy after China committed a half billion dollars to a project that will benefit him personally, and Raj Shah told reporters it’s a private business matter that the White House won’t discuss. How is this not the top news story?
      Mountains To Climb — Smooching Frogs.Daily Journey. Lessons Daily Hits, Friends, Family, Masks In Place: Moves Made Red Caps, Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done.

    • People beware: Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please. Steven Jay Jarrot : Owner/Consultant; lovemygems@yahoo.com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION.760 851 2267:
    Time to turn the lights on, the sun is setting and the colors are better than yesterday, just my point of view, love to see the flashing colors against the blues, and the yellows that make up the sunset. Different every day, but now the blue stars are out, shooting.
    Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:

    Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please. Steven Jay Jarrot : Owner/Consultant; lovemygems@yahoo.com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION.760 851 2267:Donald Trump abruptly made a bizarre reversal of policy after China committed a half billion dollars to a project that will benefit him personally, and Raj Shah told reporters it’s a private business matter that the White House won’t discuss. How is this not the top news story?
    Cartoon hits, cat and mouse games, horse and pony shows, bumps in the road, people lost in space. Happy and sad, gifts of tales to share, lights on for next season of classes on the sands of time. 


    The world is full of lunatics. Lyon Sacks of Shit: Pssstt!!! rachellyn1010 face time.Cows On The LinesThank you Lord for a new day and for the daily miracles. Please come into our lives and guide us on the right path. I don't believe this money is intended for indigenous children.Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rainbow Racers, To fail to learn, define fail-first attempts in learning, new things, new ways to get back up, practice never to fail.

    Reptiles, Repugnant, Republicans, Rainbow Racers, Good Time Toads, Faces In The Crowds, Frogs, Spiders, Snakes In Grass, Charms Of Rats: Disneyland Mice, Silent Knights, Nazi Camps, Cattle Runs. 900 Heads A Hour. Cash Cows Runs. NEW YORK CITY,,Dreams To Grow, Nuts And Rotten Apples.
    • Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN!

    Time to turn the lights on, the sun is setting and the colors are better than yesterday, just my point of view, love to see the flashing colors against the blues, and the yellows that make up the sunset. Different every day, but now the blue stars are out, shooting,


    •  People beware:It's not only important to add years to your life but to life to your years."Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up." goodnight-world, #kisses.Looking for a forever love. I think the older we get the harder it is to meet some one.Maybe part fear of rejection and part the unknown.

       Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:
    Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please. Steven Jay Jarrot : Owner/Consultant; lovemygems@yahoo.com: ANYWAY TRANSPORTATION.760 851 2267:
    Time to turn the lights on, the sun is setting and the colors are better than yesterday, just my point of view, love to see the flashing colors against the blues, and the yellows that make up the sunset. Different every day, but now the blue stars are out, shooting.

    Had a moment or two in time and space to share, about my dream lover Steven Jarrot, 7608512267.... the gift from the center of the earth, love and devotion with a twist, not straight a fag hag really is the nature of this frog. Love and hate are the horns of a goat, love him or hate him for the good times, bagging shit because of a lack of running water on a RV.

    According to my community, If I speak proper English, I’m acting “white” If I dress with class, I’m acting “white”.No way ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿถ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ•๐ŸพNames, Labels, Notes Of Witches, Babes, Dames, Heads To Count, Winners, Losers, Learners, Dimes Drop, Penny Battles, Good Time Toads.Happy Friday, Weekend Blues, Goats And Sheep, Kids And Nuts, Waste Of Time, Killing Time, Marking Times, Dimes, Penny Battles, Daily Events, Coins To Flip. Love isn’t dead yet !I was raised here so this is my home and I love my home I just hate your president. I still think about you occasionally, you weren't perfect but you definitely had some impact on my life in someways. I've completely changed and grown and improved myself thanks to you.Steven Jarrot (@malefaghag2) ·...Racism isn’t dead yet, it’s just taken a different form.  Guess my heart isn't stone cold

    If I educate myself, I’m acting “white” My question to people who say this is,”Why do you associate being black with being a failure?”

    The Media has a big responsibility to life and safety in our Country. Fake News has contributed greatly to the anger and rage that has built up over many years.

    News coverage has got to start being fair, balanced and unbiased, or these terrible problems will only get worse!

    รยšร‘ยƒรยดรยฐ รยฝรยฐรยฟรยธร‘ยรยฐร‘ย‚ร‘ยŒ รยถรยฐรยปรยพรยฑร‘ยƒ รยฝรยฐ รย รยพร‘ยร‘ย‚รยตรยปรยตรยบรยพรยผ
    Good time toads, and Rach Jay, Gay and fat, land whales for a dollar.We Are NOT The Same. - I Read Books And Shit.“Jewish sluts,Sheri Jarrot, bald head baby, Rachel Jarrot, rotten apple, waste of cum. "

    On trails during the paths taken, you choose. Paths alone your journey or life, you choose. Friends come to lend a hand. 
    Bon Jovi - We Weren't Born To Follow, angels on earth, songs to sing, battles and wars, notes to the sinners and the saints, pages to turn. Books and songs, winds of changes, ways to grow, birds and bees, monkeys in the dogwood tree, birthdays hits. Walking on sunshine, good times, feels good, times to share, the bumps in the road, the lessons learned, to teach, to learn, daily events.

    If you were on a planet full of really dumb people, who sat around and made up stories of science fiction all day long that were not half as interesting as the science truth around them, and yet they ignored the truth and deluded themselves with their fiction, what would keep you from losing all attraction to them, both socially and sexually?Gone Too Soon.Monkey Packs, Donkey Dates, Faces On Sticks, Sands And Poles. Tales Recaps.

    Give In To Me (Official Video)Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self discovery:Michael Jackson - Gone Too Soon (Official Video)Monkey Packs, Donkey Dates, Faces On Sticks, Sands And Poles. Tales Recaps.Services To:History Not News - Facebook.

    Morning class, notes to New York City, Franky Trees listen up. Katz in the cradle, baby rocking the boat. 2 kittys playing games on the beach. Lost my three lines, lost your number. Here is the big one, 2 are terrible always, I did not have mind, and you left me to have it on Julie, and Angie. Shame on you. Father Time, not Franky Trees, or Frankie Trees, in NEW YORK CITY,,,,, Get out of the fives, get the fours, a dick, a dog, a cando monkey, for the trps out of this world, fairy tales to restore.

    It's like....Me Me Me Me Me...Five Kids, Views, Voices, Valves, Paths To Cross, Ships Of Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Waves Of Wards, Sonny And Starr, Twins, Both Sides Of The Coins.It's like....Me Me Me Me Me...Moot, in the end, personal choices made, baby boomers...Sails On, Boats To Float, Ships OF Dreams.
    No photo description available.
     GLORYDAZESDONEGLORYDAZESTOCOME.BLOGSPOT.COM I've been there myself, so I can understand how a breath of fresh air can be so nice. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?What am I doing? Why am I here? I can't stop thinking about ..

    If you were on a planet full of really dumb people, who sat around and made up stories of science fiction all day long that were not half as interesting as the science truth around them, and yet they ignored the truth and deluded themselves with their fiction, what would keep you from losing all attraction to them, both socially and sexually?Gone Too Soon.Monkey Packs, Donkey Dates, Faces On Sticks, Sands And Poles. Tales Recaps.

    Give In To Me (Official Video)Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves.����Fairy tales,Beach Bum on a path to self discovery:Michael Jackson - Gone Too Soon (Official Video)Monkey Packs, Donkey Dates, Faces On Sticks, Sands And Poles. Tales Recaps.Services To:History Not News - Facebook.Walking on sunshine, good times, feels good, times to share, the bumps in the road, the lessons learned, to teach, to learn, daily events.
    Image may contain: sky
    Morning class, notes to New York City, Franky Trees listen up. Katz in the cradle, baby rocking the boat. 2 kittys playing games on the beach. Lost my three lines, lost your number. Here is the big one, 2 are terrible always, I did not have mind, and you left me to have it on Julie, and Angie. Shame on you. Father Time, not Franky Trees, or Frankie Trees, in NEW YORK CITY,,,,, Get out of the fives, get the fours, a dick, a dog, a cando monkey, for the trps out of this world, fairy tales to restore.

    Enough for the Charmed....Game Over.. Fools for fun, freaks to cum, cocks suckers, heaviest in the bunch. Down Time. Ready for What?Enough ...

    Back On Boat: Relationships Values,Cons & Pros:Sex, Dating,And Relationships:All things love:lucky breaks 2.Walking on sunshine, good times, feels good, times to share, the bumps in the road, the lessons learned, to teach, to learn, daily events. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️๐Ÿ˜˜
    Both Sides Of The Coins.It's like....Me Me Me Me Me...Moot, in the end, personal choices made, baby boomers...Sails On, Boats To Float, Ships OF Dreams..

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing
    ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ„Walks On The Beach, Rocks And Stones, Glory Dazes To Come...-Rainbow Racers, Rainbow To Read, Unicorns Delights.Its Official..Aleane Horns. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–. Sometimes surfing is just about being in the water on a beautiful day .. waves or no waves.End of the Rainbow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒˆ.๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ„Walks On The Beach
    Dances with tigers, dances with lions, chicks and babes, dream life for more. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , ๐Ÿ‚ ๐Ÿ’ฆ:๐ŸŽƒ ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿต ๐Ÿ’ชAdriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.Hands, for the good times, lots of joys and pains, lots of lessons to learn, hope for more. Standing: Frozen In Time, Marking History, Earth Angels: Pages Of Lessons To Learn.Can you believe none of these were photoshopped?Frogs, fools, freaks, plenty of fish in the seas. Knights to dreams, kings on top, bitches with 5 stars. Dung Happy: ❤️๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ฆBlame Games: Jewish White Sluts, Donkeys 2 Ride-Jewish Army


    Name calling and put downs are never needed. Broken, hurt, and crying for the losses. SAMUEL JACKSON hanging in the dome . "Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up." goodnight-world.Gone Too Soon.Monkey Packs, Donkey Dates, Faces On Sticks, Sands And Poles. Tales Recaps.

    Celebrities React To The Passing Of Jazz Singer Nancy  Wilson.  The American Shame Factory.I’m Not Breaking Up with America And neither should you, says John W.  Whitehead, no matter how bad it is.๐Ÿค” The Cassie Show.Disappointments in the live on hand, prefer the life on  TV and at the movies, work for it, and it can be use is the way to get the things that you want. "Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun? Still in the mother land making friends and meeting fans. I LOVE IT HERE!!!! THANK YOU

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